Asal Shodieva Biografiya Semjya

Born under the lucky zodiac sign of the Aries, on April 06, 1992, Asal Shodiyeva is a well known and very famous Movie Actress that makes a very good living doing that every day. Asal Shodiyeva was born in Tashkent. Asal Shodiyeva net worth and biodata Read below to see our most recent Estimated Net Worth for Asal Shodiyeva as well as the estimated of this year earnings, salary and income! The net worth posted in this article have been gathered from various online sources and financial websites.
However, there are a few factors that can affect a celebrity’s net worth, such as expenses, houses, cars, investments or losses, marriage, divorce, etc. Therefore, the Asal Shodiyeva Net Worth and financial figures may not be 100% accurate. IF you know more about this please feel free to contact us!
Contents • • • • • Filmography [ ] Film Year Film Role Notes 2002 Muhabbat sinovlari (' ) 2008 Jannat qaydadir? ( Where is Paradise?) Luiza 400 000 2009 Mister hech kim ( Mr. Nobody) Oydin Poyma-poy ( Incoherent) Asal Uylanish ( Getting Married) Durdona Tango yoxud adashgan sovchilar ( Tango or Errant Matchmakers) Dilnoza Xavfli sarguzasht ( A Dangerous Adventure) 2010 Kuzning soʻnggi notasi ( The Last Note of the Fall) Qalb koʻzi ( The Eye of the Soul) Nilufar Uchar qiz ( The Flying Girl) Alien 2011 Jigarbandim ( My Kin) Mahbuba 2012 Hay-hay, qizaloq!
Tales of destiny ps2 english. If you want to help out with it, head over to Phantasian Productions and help getting this thing over to the English speaking masses;) The patch archived here is for the original print of the game.
Asal Shodieva is an actress, known for Qalb ko'zi (2010). Programma reflektogramm sor.