Download Sailor Moon Full Episodes English Dub

Overall I am very pleased with this new dub from Viz Media, it is very well done. Download spiderman mod for gta 3. Just an FYI though when you purchase the season it is only half of the season consisting of the first 23 episodes so you'll have to purchase the second half when it becomes available. Shvejna mashinka chajka 134 nstrukcya.
Now for what everyone is dying to know. How is the voice cast? If you haven't seen any of these re-dubbed episodes I'll be honest that Stephanie Sheh as Usagi/Sailor Moon takes some getting used to. I had hoped that Terri Hawkes or even Tracey Moore would return to voice her. Alas nobody reprised their roles. I'm not saying that Stephanie Sheh is bad It's just different than what I expected.
She is way better than Linda Ballantyne. She actually sounds more like what one would expect a crybaby teenager to sound like. But in a good way, if that makes sense. As for the rest of the cast I really like them so far. Michelle Ruff is phenomenal as Luna and Kate Higgins is great as Ami/Sailor Mercury she sounds really sweet. I always thought that the original voice actors for those two sounded like old ladies. Christina Vee the new voice of Rei/Sailor Mars actually reminds me of one of the old voices which I like.
Robbie Daymond is awesome as Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask. I have yet to see an episode with Sailor Makoto/Jupiter but I have listened to samples of Amanda Miller and I like how she sounds. The same goes for Minako/Venus but I may update this once I hear them in action. I think the most exciting part is that this dub is totally uncut unlike the original dub. As far as the remastering goes it definitely looks better than My old DVD box set but it's nothing to get too excited about.

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I got the first episode in HD and I don't think it's worth spending the extra money on. I bought the rest of the 'season' in Standard Definition. So I would definitely recommend it to any lifetime fan like myself but be aware that it is the new dub not the old one. It is a new cast and somewhat remastered and uncut.