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It has been prophesied and written that in the last days the Lord would raise up an army of 144,000. This 144,000 will go throughout the earth preaching His Salvation, persuading the peoples of the earth not to join the global economy by getting a mark or chip in or on their right hand or forehead, thereby disrupting the global political and religious unified systems that have by then overtaken the world. The whole world unified under a one world religion and a one world economy and global government.
This is what the New World Order has been trying to achieve for the past decade. Replacing democracies and republics with one world socialism. Even dictatorships if being led by someone they couldn't control were replaced within the past 10 years with someone they could.
If you think the United States has been busy helping and saving smaller countries from tyrannical governments think again. We've entered over 200 countries throughout the world and overpowered both peaceful and not so peaceful governments to install dictatorships. They've even overthrown democratic governments to install dictatorships, and the whole time they've lied to the American public about what they were really doing, installing dictatorships for the global government to come.
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There are several beasts involved with the last days and America is one of them. America, the right hand man of the Antichrist. The Arab countries call America the Great Satan. After witnessing first hand and coming to the realization of what's really going on here it certainly is a valid accusation and prophetic to say the least. Not many saw it coming.
But through carefully crafted orchestrated plans and lies, the American public has been deceived by those we trusted the most, our government. They orchestrated terror attacks on our own soil, blamed the Arabs, and replaced our constitution with a Patriot Act. Don't let the term fool you, there's nothing patriotic about the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act overrides and null and voids the constitution. And with Patriot Act 2, our Bill of Rights. America has been lied to and sold down the drain by its leaders and there's not much left we can do about it but wait for the Antichrist's War on the Saints to begin here.
And it's coming. Polnaya klevalka dlya igri atom fishing. America itself will be the last country on earth to install a dictatorship overthrowing our own congress and constitutional government and then the world will be ready to embrace Satan as it's global government leader. Of course he won't use that name, his real name, but he will indwell and incarnate the man who takes the reigns of world power and rule through him or be a hybrid of DNA cloning and alien-human hybridization.
This is the man, the leader of this installed one world government here on earth that the army of 144,000 will go up against. Not a physical war but a spiritual war.
Not a war of weapons and bombs, a supernatural war led by the two witnesses and the second group of 144,000 who will defy the beast empire to bring a final message of salvation to the worlds inhabitants. The truth has always been a casualty of every war man has fought in the past century. But in this last days war with good vs. Evil the truth itself about who this leader is and what this global government is about will be the battle cry of Yahweh's last days army.
Not much has been written about this mysterious group of 144,000 prophesied in two chapters of the Book of Revelation. Even yet, most didn't even know this isn't really one group, but two separate groups of 144,000 each. Revelation 14: The First Group of 144,000 The Lord has revealed to me that there are two groups of 144,000.
The first group of 144,000 is mentioned in Revelation Chapter 14. I don't know why it was put in after the rise of the Antichrist and not before the first group mentioned in Revelation Chapter 7 but perhaps it was to conceal it's real meaning and purpose until the last days. There's always been a mystery surrounding these groups and now some of it is coming to our understanding. This first group is taken to heaven (what we call a rapture, the Bible calls redeemed) and are given Yahweh's name written in their foreheads. It doesn't say who does the writing but His literal Name is written in their foreheads.
If you look at the Strong's term for writing it means actual letters or characters and the term forehead means space between the eyes. For this group of people His name is literally written in the space between their eyes. It was done before as well. In Ezekiel 9:4 'And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.'