Game Pc Pake Joystick Games List

Gan game PC yang seru bisa dimainin berdua pake joystick apa ya? Ask Game PC yang bisa dimainkan berdua dengan joystick. Discussion in 'Games Free Talk' started. Dec 5, 2015 - Windows Store highlights the best PC games to play with a controller. Halo: Spartan Strike and Halo: Spartan Assault also make the list.
Coming from a more console-centric background (though I've always played PC games to some degree all my life), I tend to prefer using gamepads while playing games. However, I do enjoy the ability to customize my PC to make my gaming experiences better. I feel like PC gaming is the superior platform but a lot of people enjoy using gamepads still, and unfortunately there has never been a good compiled list for those who want to see what their options are. So here it is- I've spent a good amount of time on this list. If you have any other games to add to the list or can confirm/deny a game on the list supports gamepads, it would really help a lot.
Just two things I'd like to say before continuing. If you love keyboard and mouse already, great. This list isn't aimed at you. It's not to convince you to start using gamepads. It's to show people what their options are. If you loved Crysis and now somebody else will buy the game because it has gamepad support, everybody wins as it increases sales and will encourage more PC development.
If you're happy to see a list but are still uncomfortable with using keyboard and mouse, I highly suggest you read the second post in this thread. I was once in the same boat as you- perhaps my experience and suggestions will help you become more accustomed to using keyboard/mouse to play games that don't natively support gamepads. Trust me, for some of those great games, it's worth learning.
I should mention in posting this list that the original list was compiled by Tycobb on the Afterdawn forums. After some time, he/she stopped updating and then the list was maintained by SpykeZ on the forums. However, it appears that those forums will be permanently down. I am using Tycobb's original list and trying to restore (and go beyond) SpykeZ's list. The list will be broken into two sections- games with full gamepad support out of the box (or via official patches) and those that require some unofficial mods/fiddling with.ini files/light usage of 3rd party programs to make it fully usable. While with third party programs it's possible to make *any* PC game support gamepads, I'm referring to using them for small things that round out the experience.
Perhaps in the future there could be a separate list of 'games that work well with programs that emulate keyboard/mouse' but not for now. So you're interested in PC gaming, but not comfortable with the keyboard and mouse? Don't sweat it- I was in the same situation as you. If you only will play games with gamepads, you'll be missing a ton of great games.
The first thing I've noticed with myself and other forum-goers is that, if they feel uncomfortable with kb/m, it's never the mouse. We're all pretty ok with using that due to our daily activities on computers. It seems like a lot of people hate using the keyboard, specifically WASD. My hands get cramped just thinking about it.
The solution? I feel the best solution is to consider picking up a Belkin Nostromo n52. Download windows ce os.
It's got 15 keys, a wheel (don't use it- it's crap and will just simulate what your mousewheel does), a d-pad, and a 'shift' button. Now, there's a few reasons I suggest this particular product. The first is that I love it and it's made me able to play standard kb/m games quite well. But besides that, it's really comfortable. For example, when using WASD on a regular keyboard, I feel like my hand has to be somewhat arched so as to rest on the zxc keys and maybe push them in.
Noti dlya duhovogo orkestra. This can get really uncomfortable after long periods. The n52 has a nice and adjustable palmrest, so you can relax your hand while playing games. The other reason, and this one is especially good if you're used to playing on gamepads, is the D-pad.

Your left thumb will be basically resting their- if you still can't get the hang of WASD, you can reconfigure the controls so you move with the the d-pad. While the d-pad is a bit too big for its own good, you'll very quickly become comfortable moving around in games, as your left thumb would normally control the analog stick on a gamepad.