Homebrew Wad Manager Install

+---------------------------------+ WAD Manager v1.7 developed by Waninkoko +---------------------------------+ teknoconsolas +---------------------------------+ [ DISCLAIMER ]: - THIS APPLICATION COMES WITH NO WARRANTY AT ALL, NEITHER EXPRESS NOR IMPLIED. I DO NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE IN YOUR WII CONSOLE BECAUSE OF A IMPROPER USAGE OF THIS SOFTWARE.
[ DESCRIPTION ]: - WAD Manager is an application that allows the (un)installation of packages in WAD format (homebrew and official packages). It allows the browsing of a storage device to work with the available WAD files in it. [ SUPPORTED DEVICES ]: - SDGecko. Voprosi dlya attestacii vospitatelej dou s otvetami.
That is, make a folder called 'wad' in the root directory of your SD card and place your wads there. Also, I highly advise installing the forwarder channel for USB Loader GX on your Wii, rather than the actual loader. It's easier to update if you keep the forwarder on your Wii and the loader on the same device that you keep your ISOs and such on.
- Internal SD slot (with SDHC support). - USB device (1.1 and 2.0). [ HOW TO USE ]: 1. Copy all the WAD packages in the storage device. Insert the storage device in the Wii. Run the application using any method to load homebrew. Select the IOS version to use.
IOS249 recommended (if available). Select the storage device to use.
Browse the storage device contents and select the WAD package to (un)install. [ NOTES ]: - To use the NAND emulation is necessary to have a COMPLETE copy of the NAND filesystem in the root of the FAT device.

[ KUDOS ]: - Team Twiizers/devkitPRO - svpe - kwiirk - All my betatesters.