Konverter Formata Doc V Latex
Rather than the output file, you can try to convert the LaTeX source file to Word. I have not tried many converters, but one that works fine is LaTeX-to-Word from.
Converting LaTeX document to Word (RTF) format. LaTeX2rtf Home.One of the slowest processes when collaborating on a manuscript is the tedious task of converting into different filetypes if either party is using a different word processor of even a different operating system. Dsp 0501 drivers. Convert 'Latex-tex file' to 'word' format. I have a paper written in Latex (tex file). I have a typical scientific manuscript in a LaTeX.tex file, and I need to convert it to MS Word.doc.
It's not free, but you can try it 10 times. Is a free converter prepared for Word 2007, but I don't know if it only converts word documents into LaTeX or also works the other way round. A google search for 'latex to word' might provide you more useful links. If you used basic packages or no packages at all for your LaTeX file you will have more chances that the conversion turns out properly; more esoteric packages make conversion more difficult, I'd say.