Msi Ms 7301 Ver 10 Manual

Download 1269 Msi Motherboard PDF manuals. User manuals, Msi Motherboard Operating guides and Service manuals. MS 7005 - 651M-L Motherboard - Micro ATX. The MS-7336 VER:1.0 is a Socket 775 motherboard built by MSI as an OEM for HP. HP used this board for building their Compaq dx2300 and Compaq dx2308 Microtower PCs. Sometimes this mainboard is also called HP MS-7336.
My motherboard has broken and my power supply too, I thought rather than buying differn't parts i'd buy the same parts and try and fit them myself as a project. Where could I find a manual for this motherboard as I am unsure exactly where to connect each wire, i've searched high and low and can't. My motherboard has broken and my power supply too, I thought rather than buying differn't parts i'd buy the same parts and try and fit them myself as a project. Where could I find a manual for this motherboard as I am unsure exactly where to connect each wire, i've searched high and low and can't find a manual.

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