Prikoljnie Banderoli Na Yubilej

The free park place in Centener district near restaurant Cuvi is located a few kilometers from the town center. The path that leads you through the forest at Cuvi bay is just a few hundred meters long. Welcome to Knowledge Base Mod! Congratulations you have successfully installed the Knowledge Base Mod. If everything seems to be working fine, then continue down this article and see what you can do now to setup your new mod.
Beach Balzamake just after Kurent cape, Small and Big Scaraba bay divided by cape Scaraba are reachable by foot with a thirty minutes walk from Rovinj town center or by bicycle. The nearest car park is just after Monvi Entertainment Center and is free of charge but it can also be very crowded in July and August. From the car park, Scaraba beach is a few minutes walk like any other beach within the Golden Cape Park Forest. The coast is rocky with a few inlets covered with pebbles.
The rocky beach Balzamake is suitable for sunbathing because of big flat stones. Scaraba cape offers more privacy and less people on a rocky coast not recommended for elderly people or families with small children. This kind of beaches are frequently visited by naturists that are not a rarity in Rovinj. Free download mp3 terbaru 2012 stafa band. Streaming fullmetal alchemist sub indo.
The pebble beach in Big Scaraba bay with its pier is a favorite place for swimmers and divers. The gravel road continues near the rocky coast toward Konsun bay. Beside the restaurant at cape Kurent and the restaurant at Konsun bay there are no services nearby.
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