Proshivka Monitora Lg W2243s

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I am a newbie to linux - I have been downloading/installing various verisons of Mint last few weeks. Tried KDE, Xfce, Mate and noticed on several, I had to load my Nivida drivers the first thing after installation and the nividia drivers (nividia-304 update) would pick up on my monitor - Acer 1600:900 - everything was great till I did my first reboot - then it would come up as Unknown Monitor with resolution of 1024:768.
I went to 'Monitor' - it was showing Unknown monitor and 1024:768 and I could not change anything - I tried 'Detect Monitor' with no results - a real irratation to me - I have always felt a sweet-spot should either be grayed-out or something should happen - even if it is wrong. I have now settled and hope to stay with my present installation of Linux Mint-17 MATE 64-bit V2 but only if I can lock in the resolution of my monitor.
The last time I tried to use linux was in the days of 'Lindows/Linspire' and I was sitll working then and could not keep up and had to revert back to Windows, now retired and sure need someones help. Also if we need to use terminal - not opposed but will need some hand holding I guess - forgotten everything I thought I knew - guess old age creeping up on me now. Lol Thanks in a advance. Yeah, the old VBE interface was great back in the early days of plug-n-play monitors (back when those were a thing and your system BIOS and video BIOS were integrally connected), but support for it has gotten REAL sketchy over the years - after all, it requires a real-mode interface, and nobody's had a real one of those since DOS.
Your best bet is to get the i2c interface working - I'm not sure about your software or hardware configuration, but there are modules available in the kernel for it (it's possible all you have to do is modprobe i2c-dev). So hat tip to Matthew Kern, author of read-edid. Noti dlya duhovogo orkestra.
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