Titan Kvest Set Ahillesa

Achilles was the greatest of all the Greek warriors of the Trojan War. His strength and speed in battle were legendary. Can enchant all weapons. Essence of Valor of Achilles 1/3 5 Damage +4% Attack Speed 2/3 5 Damage +8% Attack Speed 3/3 5 Damage +12% Attack Speed Completion bonuses +11.
These are the rarest shields in the games of Titan Quest and its expansion of Titan Quest Immortal Throne. Contact form in html with captcha code in php pdf. They are listed in alphabetical order with the requirements needed to wield the shield and the stat bonuses you get for the shield itself. Abyssal Shield – This shield is in the core Titan Quest and it is part of the Abyssal Armor set. It has the requirements of a character level of 39 and a strength of 440. It has 212 armor and a 45% chance to block 640 damage. It has the stat buffs of 26% pierce resistance, +5% shield block, 10% chance of 50% damage reflected, and 15% chance of 18-60 vitality retaliation. Achilles Shield – In the Titan Quest regular game, this has the requirements of a character level of 41 and a strength of 440.
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It has 230 damage and a 45% chance to block 650 damage. It will grant you the skill of shield smash along with the stat buffs of 10% damage resistance, +5% shield block, +40 to strength, +450 to health, +56 to offensive ability, and +103 defensive ability. Aionios – This is in Immortal Throne and it has the requirements of a level 47 character and a strength of 495. It has a 51% chance to block 780 damage and it has 242 damage.
The stat buffs to this shield are +20% armor protection, 8% damage resistance, 76% pierce resistance, 83% elemental resistance, 82% poison resistance, +178 to defensive ability, and 9% chance to dodge attacks. Ajax’ Bronze Tower – Available in the core game of Titan quest, this has the requirements of a character level of 42 and a strength of 440. It has 212 damage and a 45% chance to block 700 damage. It has the stat buffs of 10% chance of 65% damage resistance, 39% pierce resistance, 37% poison resistance, +14% shield block, +15% damage, +45 to strength, +475 to health, and +127 to defensive ability. Alexander’s Pelta – This is in regular Titan Quest and it is part of the Alexander’s Panoply set.
It has 212 damage with a 45% chance to block 640 damage, with the character requirement of 39 and a strength needed of 440. It has stat bonuses of +7% shield block, +37 to strength, +47 to defensive ability, and +3 to pulverize. Part two shows you even more of the shields that are legendary in these two fine games, the Titan Quest original game and with the expansion of Immortal Throne. This post is part of the series: Legendary Shields in Titan Quest and Titan Quest Immortal Throne.