Waldorf Blofeld License Sl Hack

'License for activating the sample memory of the Blofeld desktop synthesizer.License SL greatly expands the sonic potential of every Blofeld desktop. With this license installed, 60 megabytes of sample flash memory become available for factory and user samples.
Is it possible to crack this? I have 350£ synth with flash memory i own but cant use until i pay waldorf another 100£. People with the keyboard and black versions have this functionality out of the box i believe. Hopefully someone has some more info on the subject, this should be the place for it i guess. I believe the update is just a midi file (same for everyone?) sent to the machine similar to a firmware update. If its a generic midi file, maby a group buy is in order?
*yes* cheers! Id pay it it if was reasonable (most ppl would agree i hope) 10-30£. Not 100 f#@~ing quid! Thats the best part of a new synth!
I dont even get anything for 100£!! I already own it! They just remove the training wheels, sweet!.
Greetings Synthesists. I generally hang out in the 'acoustic' forums, so this is a really scary place for me to be I've recently bought a Waldorf Blofeld (desktop) to use with an Aodyo Sylphio wind controller - great fun.
I've installed the Licence SL upgrade so that I can import my own samples, but I'm confused about the format the samples should take before they are imported into the Blofeld. I suspect we're talking more than a straight WAV file as I've read that the loop section is embedded, but I can't seem to get more information on what is required.
I'm wondering if a kind soul could talk me through what's required? I use Logic on a Mac, but I'm happy enough to buy a cheap sample creating utility if that makes more sense. Much appreciated. Bob Frequent Poster (Level2) Posts: 3633 Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2002 1:00 am Location: Nelson, New Zealand •. Importing an audio file into Audiofinder and setting up the loop start and end points in the Sample Tool, followed by a save and transmit to the Blofeld seems to do the trick. The Blofeld is very fussy about being set up correctly in the 'Spectre' App as the Active MIDI Inputs/Outputs (which defaults back to my FaderPort each time I reopen Spectre) - that was throwing me!
Έτσι, δεν έχει σημασία εάν το πλήθος των mAh δεν είναι το ίδιο με της γνήσιας μπαταρίας σας.
Everything now seems to be working. Bob Frequent Poster (Level2) Posts: 3633 Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2002 1:00 am Location: Nelson, New Zealand •.
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