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Resident Evil 1.5 fan project releases playable build Work-in-progress version of Capcom's unreleased game made available after someone tries to sell it on eBay. News Editor A playable version of Capcom's scrapped second Resident Evil game, dubbed by fans as Resident Evil 1.5, has been released online. Fans have been working on restoring and translating the never-released title after getting their hands on its unfinished code.

Capcom cancelled Resident Evil 1.5 after about a year's development, dissatisfied with its progress. The developer started again on a new version of Resident Evil 2 - the one that eventually saw release. The Resi 1.5 fan project has been building a playable version of the scrapped game since last year - fixing Capcom's own bugs and adding in new features. But the download available now is a rough, in-progress version.
The project had intended to only release a final build, but a leak of their work by one profiteering individual forced their hand. After hearing that a build was being offered for sale to other Resi fans - and placed on eBay, before the listing was removed - project leaders decided to simply publish it online for anyone to download. 'This here is an ISO of our work-in-progress build of the Resident Evil 1.5 restoration project.
It is not representative of the current state of development of the non-profit restoration fan-project,' project leader wrote (thanks, ). 'People attempting to profit on our non-profit efforts, and both our personal and monitary investments is something we cannot stand for and is something we feel greatly taints the Resident Evil community, the prototype community, the archival and preservation of video game history, the integrity and face value of people, and our goal and intentions for this here restoration project.
'While we cannot speak on behalf of Capcom, we do believe that charging money for illegal and unsanctioned duplication of their data is something that should be frowned upon and avoided at all costs.' Videos showing off the game and the project's coding work lie below.
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Resident Evil 2 began development in 1996 shortly after the original game and was originally scheduled for a March 1997 release. However, as the game was approaching its release date, the developers were unsastified with the resulting product.
Rather than releasing a game they were unhappy with, the developers took the risk of developing the game from scratch. This scrapped version of the game was later dubbed Resident Evil 1.5.
By the internal staff of Capcom. This prototype version of the game starred Leon S. Kennedy from the finished game and Elza Walker, a prototype of Claire Redfield. Like Claire Redfield, Elza was a motorcyclist and college student, with the only difference being her appearance and the fact Elza had no ties to any established character from the previous games. Other supporting characters from the released game also appeared in Resident Evil 1.5. For example, Marving Branagh, a minor character who gets killed off early in the finished game played a major role in the prototype, helping Leon and Ada escape.
The settings of the game were also significantly changed, with the police station in the original prototype having a more contemporary design. – [info from Wikipedia] In early 2013 the beta / prototype version of Resident Evil 1.5 was finally leaked online, and many gamers are now able to check a part of what the game was meant to be. You can find the RE 1.5 proto / beta to download around the web, with a simple Google Search. For more infos: Also you can check: (sadly, only in german but nice pics) Images.
• Xelba According to the person who did a back up review on the prototype, there was a unique feature in the game in which the character’s uniforms are stained with blood after coming in contact with zombies. There are images showing this feature with both characters: Whether this is true or not still makes it an an interesting and cool concept.
In a way this reminds me of Doom 2. The more damage the player took by enemies, the more bloodier the character looked. Its a shame that Resident Evil 1.5 was the only title to have had this feature:(. • The outfit damage did somewhat make it into the final game, at one point Leon gets attacked and his RPD outfit gets ripped and bloodied. He is then patched up with bandages by Claire (I think it was her, it’s been ages since I played it so I can’t remember). I remember reading about the real-time outfit damage in previews and I wondered where it had gone when I finally got the game.